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  • promouvoir la coopération européenne entre les écoles
  • encourager les relations entre les élèves des différents pays
L’objectif est :
  • d’ améliorer la connaissance des cultures et des langues des pays partenaire
  • de développer l’ouverture d’esprit et la tolérance, les notions de citoyenneté européenne et de multiculturalisme
  • d’encourager la mobilité des enseignants

Le programme donne aux établissements scolaires la possibilité d’entreprendre des projets européens qui enrichissent les activités pédagogiques quotidiennes.

Pourquoi Comenius?

Jan Amos Komensky ( 1592-1660 ) connu sous le nom latin de Comenius, fut à la fois écrivain, pédagogue, philosophe, théologien, humaniste et homme politique.

Originaire de Moravie (République tchèque), Comenius membre de l’Unité des frères moraves.il dirigea une école qui recommandait d’adapter la transmission du savoir à chaque élève. Il est donc l’un des fondateurs de la pédagogie différenciée. Novateur, il a l’idée de la correspondance scolaire, de bourses d’études, d’une école commune et publique, sans discrimination de condition, de nationalité et de sexe.

  • Les partenariats scolaires sont destinés à développer la coopération entre élèves et enseignants de pays européens autour d’une thématique commune. Pendant 2 années scolaires, les équipes pédagogiques de différents établissements collaborent à un projet commun et se rencontrent pour échanger lors de réunions et de visites dans les différents pays.
  • La première visite a donc eu lieu au collège en Janvier 2012.Au programme :
    • accueil et visite de l’école
    • réunion de travail (présentation des établissements partenaires et échange des livres de recettes /mise en place du calendrier et des activités pour la suite du projet)
    • rencontre et échanges avec la section européenne et découverte de l’ile
    • découverte de la cuisine locale


This project aims to promote intercultural dialogue and to encourage students and teachers from European countries to work together on a topic important to them all: “Traditions and traditional food all over Europe”

The partner countries are:

  • England : Queenswell Infant and Nursery School/Queenswell Junior School Czech Republic/Prague : FZS Barrandov
  • Curaçao : Kolegio Annie KOERAD

We had never heard about Curaçao so first, we had to do some research to find out where it was situated! Do you know where it is?

Then, we worked in groups to achieve a cookbook with our island’s most traditional recipes to share with the other partners: we wanted to show them the cultural diversity of Reunion through its cuisine.

Our partners arrived on January 23rd : Spencer and Karen(head teachers), Tim, Matthew, Dale,Tina, Janet and Laura from England , Dana, Pavla and Katerina (teachers) from Prague and Anna (she’s a ICT coordinator)and Ditzyana ( a teacher assistant)from Curaçao.On Tuesday they first visited the school and on Wednesday, they came to our class: we spent the two hours watching videos and power point presentations (we learnt a lot about their countries, schools, Christmas celebrations and traditional food: we even tasted some local sweets from Curaçao “koiletchi” and some Christmas cookies made by Pavla) and talking with them…in English, of course! Because they asked us lots of questions about our school, timetable, our habits, the island…so we had to try but it was great and really interesting speaking English with them.

On Thursday we all went on a bus trip to the volcano: unfortunately it was raining and they couldn’t see the volcano from ” le Pas de Bellecombe” but they really enjoyed the view from ” le Nez de Boeuf” and the breathtaking lunar scenery of ” la Plaine des Sables” .

Europe-another ” melting-pot”; the different means interesting

“It was an incredible experience! Speaking…English with foreign people !just amazing! We can’t believe we did it! We hope to keep in touch.” Audrey and Gabrielle

“It was really great to meet them and speak English with them.They were all very nice, especially the Czech.” Clara, Charlotte and Pauline

“It was just fabulous to be able to speak English with other people, apart from our teacher. It was much funnier than a lesson!” Yuri and Antoine

“Thank you for visiting our island and our school.Now we hope to go and see your countries soon.” Kim, Coralie and Claire

” Learning about countries we had never heard about like Curaçao, and different cultures was such an amazing experience! We’d like to do this every day. And they were very nice with us. Hope to see them again.” Astrid , Mathilde, Kiara, Loana, Ophélie and Clarence

“It was very exciting, especially when we took Dana, Pavla and Katerina to the market on Saturday morning.We were very happy to show them our fruit, vegetables and local craft.” Alizée, Emma and Gwenola

“We had a great time speaking English with them. We hope to see them again one day.” Christophe, Gael, Lucas and Renan

“I was so happy to spend some time with the teachers from Prague: we had lunch together and my mum made some traditional Creole dishes for them to taste.And we took them to the beach in Saint-Gilles.” Gary

“We were very happy to meet them and share moments with them.A unique and unforgettable experience!” Aydée and Margaux

The European section.